WattAlps launches groundbreaking immersion cooling battery
As battery-powered machines become increasingly popular, driven by concerns about the future of the planet, WattAlps has developed a groundbreaking new immersion cooling technology, which pushes the boundaries of classical lithium-ion batteries and has now been certified to two leading industry safety standards. Environmental fears have fuelled the electric battery market, with a significant challenge [...] The post WattAlps launches groundbreaking immersion cooling battery appeared first on Industrial Vehicle Technology International.

As battery-powered machines become increasingly popular, driven by concerns about the future of the planet, WattAlps has developed a groundbreaking new immersion cooling technology, which pushes the boundaries of classical lithium-ion batteries and has now been certified to two leading industry safety standards.
Environmental fears have fuelled the electric battery market, with a significant challenge posed by the need to reduce the impact of heavy-duty machinery in particular. WattAlps has invested 10 years of R&D in the development of its innovative immersion cooling system and has secured ISO 26262 and IEC 62619 certification for its technology, becoming the first company to meet both demanding industry standards with an immersion cooling battery.
Using know-how and expertise coming out of the CEA French research institute, WattAlps has succeeded in improving the safety, performance and lifespan of lithium-ion batteries, expanding the potential for development of 100%-electric industrial machines. Indeed, scientific studies show a 25% increase in lifespan for immersion cooling versus other cooling technologies, the capacity to charge at twice the higher rates and a reduced risk of thermal runaway.
Immersion cooling is a very promising technology for batteries and a growing number of companies are investing in the technology for the electrification of high-end applications. An industrial start-up in the Auvergne Rhone Alpes Region, WattAlps receives support from the French government and the European Commission and has been a pioneer in the market for more than a decade.
WattAlps dedicated 2022 to the launch of the 3rd generation of its batteries, including pilot field trials with customers, a rigorous plan to test the batteries in an array of environmental and safety situations, mimicking potential scenarios in heavy duty and extreme applications (crash, crush, fire, immersion, vibration, shocks, corrosion, etc.). WattAlps’ batteries passed all the exhaustive tests successfully, with batteries still functional after what should have been destructive tests.
These impressive test results are now also confirmed by certification bodies. KIWA and TECRIS assessed WattAlps’ product safety and both organizations confirmed its batteries comply with the IEC 62619 and ISO 26262 standards respectively. This is a world first for a battery system using immersion cooling technology and confirms that WattAlps is a market leader in this technology.
The post WattAlps launches groundbreaking immersion cooling battery appeared first on Industrial Vehicle Technology International.