Hubtex introduces industry’s first sensory aisle entry assistant

Hubtex has developed the industry’s first sensory aisle entry assistant, enabling equipment handling long goods to enter aisles without collision. All PhoeniX models can be equipped with the new assistance system. The principal working environment of multidirectional sideloaders is narrow aisles. Guide rollers with corresponding rails mounted to the rack are the dominant method to keep the forklifts on track. Just four inches is the distance between the sideloader and the rack. Continue reading Hubtex introduces industry’s first sensory aisle entry assistant at Industrial Vehicle Technology International.

Hubtex introduces industry’s first sensory aisle entry assistant
Hubtex introduces industry’s first sensory aisle entry assistant

Hubtex has developed the industry’s first sensory aisle entry assistant, enabling equipment handling long goods to enter aisles without collision. All PhoeniX models can be equipped with the new assistance system.

The principal working environment of multidirectional sideloaders is narrow aisles. Guide rollers with corresponding rails mounted to the rack are the dominant method to keep the forklifts on track.

Just four inches is the distance between the sideloader and the rack.

Continue reading Hubtex introduces industry’s first sensory aisle entry assistant at Industrial Vehicle Technology International.