Survey Shows Construction Industry Lags In Tech Proficiency
Sectors like supply chain management as well as healthcare are greatly benefiting from the perception of technological proficiency, while the construction industry is viewed as the least technologically savvy by workers, as per a new study. It is well to be noted that the construction sector ranked at the bottom of all the 10 sectors […] The post Survey Shows Construction Industry Lags In Tech Proficiency appeared first on World Construction Today.

Sectors like supply chain management as well as healthcare are greatly benefiting from the perception of technological proficiency, while the construction industry is viewed as the least technologically savvy by workers, as per a new study. It is well to be noted that the construction sector ranked at the bottom of all the 10 sectors that were surveyed. Construction was overtaken by the automotive and restaurant industries, which featured in the 8th and 9th positions, respectively. The software and healthcare sectors ranked 1st and 2nd, respectively. The report went on to survey 600 professionals across the US with a minimum salary of $50,000. Many of the respondents happened to be tech-savvy. Apparently, 64% of the participants stated that they spent more than 50% of their time in the workplace making use of technology.
Proficiency is not just the only facet of technology that makes the difference to workers; they also happen to see the comparative rates of adoption as integral to their career mobility, especially in the case of the young professional lot.
Asked to what level they agreed or disagreed with the statement that my industry views adopting new technology as a barrier to career advancement, 50% of the workers below the age of 25 said that they either accepted it or strongly disagreed. The figure was just 30% for workers who were 25 and older.
Besides adoption and proficiency, the workers are also looking for better training, with most of them expressing frustration over the state of instruction as far as their respective companies are concerned. It is well to be noted that just 20% of the participants went on to say that they got their training from the IT department, and around 4% said that the responsibility lay with the human resources department. Majority of respondents said that they were self-taught or relied on informal instruction via online services and peers.
The report asks the industries to adopt more cutting-edge technology. The participants took into consideration the fact that automation, IoT, and cloud computing were changing the field. The absolute winner was AI, with around a quarter of participants saying that it would go on to have an enormous impact on their respective industries if it were adopted.
As per Yooz’s CEO, Laurent Charpentier, the technology needs to be embraced, especially when it comes to less familiar businesses. Laurent went on to warn that companies that happen to be ignoring fresh solutions will eventually drive the younger applicants away. Companies that do not invest in workplace-related technologies or do not provide any training are at risk of losing young talent to competition that is more forward-thinking and committed when it comes to innovation.
Construction has a lot of catching up to do, although it is taking steps towards technological proficiency. One of the CEOs of a tech company who also runs a construction business said that the new programme influx is sure to change the business spectrum of the sector. He said that construction has as much room to grow, transform, and embrace as any other sector.
The post Survey Shows Construction Industry Lags In Tech Proficiency appeared first on World Construction Today.