Liebherr-Werk Nenzing facility converts production to HVO fuel
Liebherr-Werk Nenzing facility converts production to HVO fuel
In August, 2024, the Liebherr factory in Nenzing, Austria, switched to HVO fuel for the production of machines in its facility. Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, or HVO, is a synthetically produced fuel that is mainly obtained from vegetable and animal oil, including fat waste from the food industry. These are converted into hydrocarbons with the addition of hydrogen. The big advantage in using HVO instead of fossil diesel is that it is largely carbon neutral. Liebherr's move is a part of the company's commitment to making an important contribution to the reduction of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The HVO fuel is now also being used in the factory's supply chain.
Renewable, low-emission HVO that is free of palm oil
In August, 2024, the Liebherr factory in Nenzing, Austria, switched to HVO fuel for the production of machines in its facility. Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil, or HVO, is a synthetically produced fuel that is mainly obtained from vegetable and animal oil, including fat waste from the food industry. These are converted into hydrocarbons with the addition of hydrogen. The big advantage in using HVO instead of fossil diesel is that it is largely carbon neutral. Liebherr's move is a part of the company's commitment to making an important contribution to the reduction of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The HVO fuel is now also being used in the factory's supply chain.
Renewable, low-emission HVO that is free of palm oil