Grove upgrades GMK6400-1 all-terrain crane
The Grove GMK6400-1 will be upgraded to the GMK6450-1 and carry an increased maximum capacity rating of 450t, which is 50t more than the previous GMK6400-1. The crane remains the strongest all-terrain cranes available on six-axles and renaming it better reflects its true capabilities. “Over the past two years, we have seen a growing demand for a name change from our global customer base. We reviewed the crane’s performance, which resulted in a new model, the GMK6450-1,” explained Andreas Cremer, vice president product and project management for mobile cranes at Manitowoc. Continue reading Grove upgrades GMK6400-1 all-terrain crane at Industrial Vehicle Technology International.

The Grove GMK6400-1 will be upgraded to the GMK6450-1 and carry an increased maximum capacity rating of 450t, which is 50t more than the previous GMK6400-1. The crane remains the strongest all-terrain cranes available on six-axles and renaming it better reflects its true capabilities.
“Over the past two years, we have seen a growing demand for a name change from our global customer base. We reviewed the crane’s performance, which resulted in a new model, the GMK6450-1,” explained Andreas Cremer, vice president product and project management for mobile cranes at Manitowoc.