Cowboy, Surfer Makes Name for Himself in Equipment Biz
Cowboy, Surfer Makes Name for Himself in Equipment Biz
Mark Gustin is a man with many interests and passions. At various stages of his life, he has been a cutting horse trainer, an avid surfer and low handicap golfer. Today, those interests take a back seat to his career in heavy equipment as owner of Armadillo Tractor Inc. in Waller, Texas. That has not always been the case, though....
Mark Gustin is a man with many interests and passions. At various stages of his life, he has been a cutting horse trainer, an avid surfer and low handicap golfer. Today, those interests take a back seat to his career in heavy equipment as owner of Armadillo Tractor Inc. in Waller, Texas. That has not always been the case, though....