Norfolk Southern to Invest $200M for Upgrades Along Alabama's 3B Rail Corridor
Norfolk Southern to Invest $200M for Upgrades Along Alabama's 3B Rail Corridor
Norfolk Southern Corp. said Aug. 2 that it plans to make upwards of $200 million in rail improvements along its 3B Corridor connecting northern and central Alabama to the Port of Mobile. The Atlanta-based railway company said that the Alabama project involves constructing 21 mi. of new track as well as a mix of terminal and track-based infrastructure improvements to increase capacity on the 3B Corridor....
Norfolk Southern Corp. said Aug. 2 that it plans to make upwards of $200 million in rail improvements along its 3B Corridor connecting northern and central Alabama to the Port of Mobile. The Atlanta-based railway company said that the Alabama project involves constructing 21 mi. of new track as well as a mix of terminal and track-based infrastructure improvements to increase capacity on the 3B Corridor....