How to Choose the Right Tooling For Your Crossing

Tooling choice is a key decision when planning an upcoming auger boring crossing. With a plethora of varying ground conditions, and multiple different styles of cutting heads, how does one make the right choice? Barbco breaks it down. Dirt"Dirt" can be broken down into many different things. As true as it is, we generally describe dirt as "ground most commonly dug with a backhoe tooth bucket"....

How to Choose the Right Tooling For Your Crossing
Tooling choice is a key decision when planning an upcoming auger boring crossing. With a plethora of varying ground conditions, and multiple different styles of cutting heads, how does one make the right choice? Barbco breaks it down. Dirt"Dirt" can be broken down into many different things. As true as it is, we generally describe dirt as "ground most commonly dug with a backhoe tooth bucket"....