How fines recovery systems can benefit aggregates processors

Wash plants used by aggregates operations to create clean sand and rock will produce a waste stream. This waste stream consists of the water used to clean the material as well as any silts, fines, and clays that are removed in the process. The waste stream is typically thought to contain no value, and is often disposed of in the cheapest and easiest way possible — an earthen containment known as a settling pond.

How fines recovery systems can benefit aggregates processors
Wash plants used by aggregates operations to create clean sand and rock will produce a waste stream. This waste stream consists of the water used to clean the material as well as any silts, fines, and clays that are removed in the process. The waste stream is typically thought to contain no value, and is often disposed of in the cheapest and easiest way possible — an earthen containment known as a settling pond.