Father-Daughter Team Behind Luxury Apartment Project On Branford, Conn. Waterfront
Father-Daughter Team Behind Luxury Apartment Project On Branford, Conn. Waterfront
Realtor Lindsay Marottoli Greenberg nimbly climbed a dark, unfinished stairway on a recent summer day to show her guests the view from a finished unit on the fourth floor of a new luxury apartment complex in Branford, Conn. Once at the top at Mariners Landing, the visitors were rewarded with sweeping views of the Branford River....
Realtor Lindsay Marottoli Greenberg nimbly climbed a dark, unfinished stairway on a recent summer day to show her guests the view from a finished unit on the fourth floor of a new luxury apartment complex in Branford, Conn. Once at the top at Mariners Landing, the visitors were rewarded with sweeping views of the Branford River....